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tel.: +48 56 611 2585
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Admission criteria

For Polish citizens

Entry requirements

  • Matura in English on advanced level (poziom rozszerzony) – at least 70%
  • or Matura in English on bilingual level – at least 50%
  • or International Baccalaureate Diploma, European Baccalaureate Diploma or graduating from a foreign school with English as the language of instruction
  • or “Old” (before 2005) Matura exam in English.

Admission criteria

Admission is based on the Matura results competition.

Calculating score for candidates with the “New” (since 2005/2006) Matura exam:

The candidate’s score (W) is calculated as W = p1W1 + p2W2, where:

  • W1 – percentage result of the Matura exam in subject 1,
  • W2 – percentage result of the Matura exam in English,
  • p1 – multiplier for subject 1,
  • p2 – multiplier for English.

Multipliers for Matura exam:

Subject Coefficient for basic level (poziom podstawowy) Multiplier for advanced level (poziom rozszerzony)
Biology or Chemistry or Philosophy or Physics or Geography or History or History of Music or History of art or Informatics or Latin and ancient culture or Polish (written part) or Mathematics or Social studies p1 = 0.30 p1 = 0.50
English (written part) p2 = 0.50

Calculating score for candidates with the “Old” (before 2005/2006) Matura exam:

The candidate’s score (W) is calculated as W = ½W1 + ½W2, where:

  • W1 – grade of the Matura exam in Biology or Chemistry of Physics and Astronomy or Geography or History or Informatics or Mathematics converted into points,
  • W2 – grade of the written Matura exam in English converted into points.

Conversion of “Old” (before 2005) Matura exam grades into points:

Grade (scale 1-6) Points Grade (2-5) Points
dopuszczająca (2) 30
dostateczna (3) 50 dostateczna (3) 40
dobra (4) 70 dobra (4) 75
bardzo dobra (5) 90 bardzo dobra (5) 100
celująca (6) 100

Calculating score for candidates with IB or EB:

Candidates with an IB diploma issued by the International Baccalaureat Organization based in Geneva and a candidate with an EB (European Baccalaureat) diploma issued by the European Schools in accordance with the Convention on the Status of European Schools signed in Luxembourg on 21 June 1994, referred to in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science of 6 April 2006 on the nostrification of school certificates and Matura exam certificates obtained abroad (Dz.U. Nr 63 poz. 442 i 443) are qualified in accordance with the principles specified for the candidates with the “New” (since 2005/2006) Matura exam.

The results of the IB are converted into percentage equivalents according to the following table:

IB on Standard level Matura equivalent on basic level (poziom podstawowy” IB on Higher level Matura equivalent on advanced level (poziom rozszerzony)
7 100% 7 100%
6 89% 6 90%
5 75% 5 80%
4 65% 4 70%
3 55% 3 60%
2 45% 2 50%
1 35% 1 40%

Foreign languages ​​on the IB diploma: Ab inito level and B SL level are considered SL. A1 (HL or SL), A2 (HL or SL) and B HL levels are considered HL.

A candidate with an EB (European Baccalaureat) diploma, when entering the results of the Matura exam, uses the conversion formula: the exam result (according to the scale 1-10) x 10 (up to 100 points).

Foreign languageson the EB diploma: L1, L4 and L5 are considered the basic level. L1+3, L2 and L3 are considered advanced level. L2+3 is considered bilingual level. Candidates who passed the foreign language exam at the bilingual level are awarded 100% of the points for the basic and advanced levels.

Other subjects on the EB diploma: 2 or 3 (number of hours per week) subjects are considered basic level. 4 or 5 and mathematics 5+3 (number of hours per week) are considered advanced level.

Graduates of foreign secondary school

A candidate with a secondary school graduation certificate or equivalent, entitling them to apply for admission to studies at any type of higher education institution in accordance with the regulations in force in the country of graduation, is qualified in accordance with the principles specified for candidates with the “Old” Matura exam.

Laureates and finalists of subject competitions

Find the list of subject olympiads and competitions that grant the maximum points in admission proccedure (after meeting the language entry requirements) on this page (in Polish):

For non-Polish citizens

Entry requirements

Candidates who hold a secondary school graduating certificate or equivalent, entitling them to apply for admission to studies at universities of any type in accordance with the regulations in force in the country of graduation, may apply. Candidates must have a document confirming knowledge of English at a language proficiency level not lower than B2 specified in the university’s legal acts. Candidates should be registered in YUFE Virtual Campus and complete the questionnaire to be admitted.

Admission criteria

Candidates are admitted based on online (video-call) qualification interview which verifies candidate’s knowledge and predispositions to the the extent necessary to undertake studies in the planned field of study. The qualification interview is conducted in English. The result of the procedure is assessed on a scale of 0-100 points. Obtaining less than 30 points in the qualification procedure is equivalent to not meeting the entry requirements.